TRUE BLUE WORLD (= referred to as Sekai Blue hereafter) embodies all that I perceive and feel in this beautiful world. It is a dream that I long to make come true. I dedicate my heart and soul to the music I create, with every note that gathers to become the melody, and with every word that gathers to become the lyrics. My music is a prologue to the future world we all look forward to ; a world full of pleasant surprises.
I want to take you with me as I sail large into the boundless possibilities of music. Come join me in the search for the Sekai Blue yet to be seen. Take my hand and believe in my Sekai Blue.
aokimasato (Sekai Blue)
世界ブルー 僕が見る光景 感じる夢すべて
僕から生まれたメロディー そこから求められた言葉や音 生き方すべて
過去, 現在, 未来という時間軸、同時代に生きる東京, 世界との交流の中で
世界ブルー あおきまさと